This is where we will recommend things to you. Many different kinds of things.

New recommendations will be added occasionally.


Riding a tandem bicycle
So much easier than it looks. Gives an incredible feeling of whimsicality, synchronisity, and carefreeness… and the back person gets to do whatever they want with their free hands: read a book, double fist-pump, high-five passers-by, &tc!

Not carpeting a bathroom floor
Whenever I meet the douchebag who renovated our apartment, he’s seriously in trouble. I mean, WTF is that about?

Drinking orange juice straight from the carton
Very satisfying. Also, you don’t have to wash a glass, saving time, energy, and water.

Falling asleep to the sound of an epic rain and thunder storm outside
I am about to do this, and I am really looking forward to it.

Smiling Strangers
These are the best kind of strangers. They might be smiling at you, because you’re wearing a panda suit or you’re playing with a cute young child. Or they might be smiling to themselves because they were just remembering that funny picture of Sarah eating a ricecake, or thinking about all the different things they might do with the blueberries from the farmer’s market when they get home. These are the kind of people you should keep an eye out for. Or better yet, be one of them.

Doing your laundry with aspiring supervillians
Seriously, an aspiring supervillian is probably the best laundry partner you can find. Your conversations will have a tendency to smoothly transition into song and dance, which always makes waiting for the dryer a little more interesting. And he’ll bring you frozen yogurt.

I Like Giants, by Kimya Dawson
We all become important when we realize our goal
Should be to figure out our role within the context of the whole
And yeah, rock and roll is fun, but if you ever hear someone
say you are huge, look at the moon, look at the stars, look at the sun
Look at the ocean and the desert and the mountains and the sky
Say I am just a speck of dust inside a giant’s eye…

Getting movies at the library
Kind of an odd assortment – but FREE. C’mon! And better quality than pirated movies on the internets.

4 Responses to “Recommendations”

  1. eve mcleod Says:

    I love how your mind works! This blog is genius – I want to do my laundry with an aspiring supervillian too!

  2. victoriatravels Says:

    A few other suggestions based on my recent experiences:
    Listen to music on your ipod, and then dance as you cross the street (on a designated crosswalk at the designated walk time…getting hit makes this a lot less fun). Extra points if you can step on the white bits in time with the music.

    Making lots of cookies. I’m talking LOTS. Three or four batches all in one go.

  3. tarapeze Says:

    i’m adding ‘cuddling babies,’ ‘bodying imagination,’ and ‘telling stories’… also, ”eating solid food’ ‘learning to walk’ & ‘giggling.’ can you tell i hang out with babies a lot these days?

  4. Dina Says:

    Dina misses Molly, Tara, Victoria, and others, and wants to cuddle Molly’s new puppy.

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