Yesterday I went to an incredible Mobile Clubbing event at the Royal Exchange. The plan was simple: show up with your iPod, CD player, walkman, or other portable-music-device with headphones, and at 6.20pm, turn it on and start dancing. I got there 20 minutes late, and there was a crowd of people bopping around, mouthing lyrics, and giggling… it was a pretty odd sight, and if you weren’t clued into what was going on it took a minute to realize that the group wasn’t just a group of people waiting around, not talking to each other. 

There were babies, and men in suits, and cyclists, and students, and hipsters, and hippies… they were swaying, and rocking out, and popping, and skanking. I really wanted to see a couple slow dancing, but no dice. An idea for next time, I guess! Every once in a while a spontaneous cheer would erupt, people would throw their arms up and whoop and dance harder for a minute. So much fun to be among city strangers, staying warm in the chilly November night, all boogying down!

I took two really short clips (no pics of me, sorry, but the camera ran out of memory). I’ll put them up just as soon as I figure out where to house them online… Mol, how do I make use of my Stout student space?


(more about Mobile Clubbing)