Okay:  so both Tara and I have been horrible about blogging here all summer.. BUT that’s because we’ve both been up to our necks planning and scheming about our next major project:  the Downside-Up Circus.  Tara first told me of her idea for Downside-Up when we met up to travel in february.  At that point we didn’t have much besides the name, and that we wanted it to be community-oriented and awesome.

Throughout our many long train rides around Europe, we put our heads together to craft a mission statement, begin envisioning a summer 2010 tour (by bicycle!), and slowly start inviting people to the troupe.  All summer I’ve been working hard on a logo, visual identity, and website for the circus.  Tara and our other co-founder Victoria have been hard at work planning out finances, applying for grants, and other business logistics.

Probably most of our online energy these days will go into the upkeep of the Downside-Up website and blog, SO to find out about all our super exciting plans, head on over to www.DownsideUpCircus.org!

